The studio behind the upcoming PC first-person interactive thriller, Project 4: New Light City, announced today actor Ramzey Zourob has signed on to voice the game’s main character, Max Boston. Already an accomplished voice over talent in television and radio, Zourob’s signing with the studio marks his debut as an actor in the gaming industry.
“I’m absolutely thrilled to be working on New Light City with such a talented cast,” said Zourob about his new role and cast mates. “Paul [Kardos] and Jorgen [Tandberg] have been terrific and I’ve enjoyed working with them. As a kid who loved cartoons and videogames – not much has changed, mind you – I always appreciated VAs and how they brought their characters to life. I wanted to be able to do the same thing, so now I can’t wait to bring Max Boston to life.”
Prior to agreeing to join the project, Zourob began his acting career working the local theatre scene in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. His success on the stage led to prominent roles on the screen, voicing various projects such as the extended preview for UFC 217, The Rogers Cup in Canada, and The Sanford International in the US.
“Hearing my voice on Youtube and TV was just so surreal,” said Zourob about his television and radio credits. “But when I detached and listened to it, it just seemed to work.”
Zourob has also featured in numerous commercials, including the RiteAid Cleveland Marathon promotion, and the Ascension Complete Medicare national spot on both US television and radio. His latest role as Max Boston will be yet another challenge in his acting career, but Zourob is up to the task.
“Max has been living in my head for years now,” writer Paul Kardos said about the role. “He showed up in short stories, the first draft of a novel, and endlessly on scraps of papers and in the notes on my iPhone. It wasn’t until we started thinking about developing P4 that I felt Max had finally found a proper home. He needed a voice in the game, of course, and Ramzey was a perfect match.”
“For as long as I knew what an actor was, I wanted to be one,” Zourob said. “So, naturally, I decided to wait until I was married with two kids, a mortgage, and working full-time to pursue it. Who needs sleep, anyway? My wife, Dianna, and my two girls have been very supportive in helping me work towards my dream.”
Project 4: New Light City is a non-linear, first person interactive thriller currently under production at the US and Norwegian-based studio. The company plans to release the game episodically, with Chapter 1 projected for a Q4 2021 release. For more information, visit https://www.catchlightinteractive.com